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Advertiser Opportunity

The Caribbean American Passport brand is renowned in Orlando, Florida and beyond, via the well circulated print over 20 years, popular internet radio broadcast, multiple social media platforms and the annual Orlando Carnival Downtown event which caters to more than 60,000 people from numerous national locations.

We will get your product or brand to the eyes that matter. Call to discus and arrange the ideal promotional package that will boost your revenue.


Send an email inquiry for advertisement

About Us

Caribbean American Passport is for the Caribbean-American people who celebrate the unique vibrancy of the Caribbean culture coupled with an American perspective. The people who might be in a suit but will at the very least, tap their foot once Reggae or Soca hits their ear. The Caribbean American who knows that the future of our families is made better by the present we work on today.

I invite you to join as a member to support a Community Newspaper that supports the Community. Your membership will ensure that Community Organizations have a forum to share their cultural events and that we continue to keep our Culture alive as we form a vibrant community here for our families.

Roberts & Roberts Management Services LLC

Orlando, Florida
