Orlando Carnival Downtown Celebrations 2023


The Orlando Carnival Downtown weekend of events, featuring Carnival on the Runway, J'ouvert, Back in Time Lime, and the Mas Band Costume Parade and Concert, offered a vibrant and culturally rich experience for participants and spectators alike. Let's delve into each event and explore their significance.

Carnival on the Runway (26th May): Carnival on the Runway set the stage for the Orlando Carnival Downtown weekend. This event combined showcased vibrant costumes, elaborate designs, and energetic performances. Participants took to the runway, embodying the spirit of Caribbean carnival traditions. The fusion of colorful costumes, pulsating beats, and enthusiastic dancers created an atmosphere that celebrated the diversity and creativity of Caribbean culture. Read the full article and see more pictures at https://cap.websitedons.net/caribbean-american-passport-news-magazine-june-2023/ or visit www.orlandocarnivaldowntown.com

Special Thanks to our Sponsors:                                                                              

Vystar Credit Union - https://www.vystarcu.org/

City of Orlando - https://www.downtownorlando.com/About/Downtown-Development-Board

Orlando Utilities Commission - https://www.ouc.com/

Caribbean Sunshine - https://caribbeansunshinebakery.net/

AATC - https://arrivealivetrafficcontrol.com/

Carib Beer - https://caribbrewery.com/

Bacardi - https://www.bacardi.com/casa-bacardi/

Caribbean Supercenter - https://caribbeansupercenter.com/

Florida Health - https://www.floridahealth.gov/

Caribbean Airlines - https://www.caribbean-airlines.com/#/

Liquor Masters - https://liquormasterorlando.com/

BahamasAir - https://www.bahamasair.com/

Negril Restaurant - https://www.eatnegrils.com/

Luxe Flush - https://theluxeflush.com/

Island Fever Radio - 

Cultural Vibrations - 

GGR Marketing -