The white woman who accused a hispanic couple in 2020 of attempted kidnapping of her kids has been sentenced for lying


Kathleen Sorensen was convicted of making a false report of a crime after she claimed a couple tried to kidnap her children while at a Michael's craft store

...and no surprise, she's a full-on "qanon" trumpite who have stated that she would "take a bullet for trump". She was sentenced on March 28 to 6 months in county jail. Somewhat of a slap on the wrist, and she almost got nothing as the jury too a whole day to decide which means 1 or 2 wanted her to walk free.

Kathleen Sorensen, 31 years old, formerly of Sonoma whose Instagram video went viral on December 2020 after she falsely claimed a Petaluma couple tried to kidnap her children at a local Michael’s store, was convicted of one count of making a false report of a crime. The jury deliberated for about a full day before returning a guilty verdict on one of the three counts charged. The Honorable Judge Laura Passaglia presided over the trial. The defendant was remanded into custody after the verdict and bail was set at $100,000.

It's like al the criminal minded people are attracted to the cult of "trumpism" and extreme GOP. As with her proven liar 'god', even in the clear evidence presented from documented video recording from the Michael's store where the reported attack occurred which shows no such activity, the extreme "q" crazed white privileged woman is claiming that the police and the store colluded and erased the attack just to harm her, and her white nationalist supporters have stated that it is an attack on whites. What insanity!

This extreme white hate has grown since the rise of "trumpism" in 2015 when it announced the run for POTUS, and it is here to stay. As seen in Florida with desantis and his ban on books, ban on historical facts of slavery and spread of christian bigotry and fascism. The sad side to this "white hate" is there are many non-whites who have joined them, solely because they claim it's for the preservation of the christian cult. It's the return of the "dark age"